How to explain pictures to a Live Rabbit - video preview
How to explain explain pictures to a Live Rabbit, video abstract from Eleonora Chiesa performance
Eleonora Chiesa-Prisma Studio
8 October 2022
16:00 – 00:00
The video will be pushished to To be kind's Facebook page, available till the 12 p.m.

To be Kind presents the online preview of the video of Eleonora Chiesa's performance How to explain pictures to a Live Rabbit ... Eleonora Chiesa, artist and founder of Prisma Studio in Genoa is a synergistic presence with my space, with her I share a vision social security contributions. Our common empathic attitude which is not a trend without consistency but determines coexistence with a subtle, often painful feeling towards themes, which are essential for us, such as ecology and anti-speciesism. This resemblance is the basis of a compatible collaboration and is the structure of a meaningful friendship.
This action, which involves a relationship with the animal species of strong sensitivity and respect, contrasts with methods used in contemporary art which I find completely unnecessary and which involve sacrifices, mistreatment or the disturbing display of embalmed and mutilated bodies. The Report that Eleonora presents to the spectators generates the same emotion, emotion of a natural occurrence.

The action How to explain pictures to a Live Rabbit took place on Friday 16 September at Prisma Studio, an explicit homage to Joseph Beuys, a quote from the 1965 performance How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare with a further reference to the famous 1974 action I Like America and America Likes Me.
If, in the action of Beuys the body of the hare held in the arms is lifeless to represent the transformation, the cyclical nature of life and death, in the action of Eleonora Chiesa the desire is to convert this presence into the living body of a rabbit. - who, after being rescued from a farm, was involved in sharing the time of action with her. An image dilated over a time of almost two hours in which the public witnessed externally through the glass door of the studio and which, according to the artist's indications, remained closed to preserve the emotional state of the animal and allow a state of greater intimacy. During the action, the artist tried to establish contact with the animal, respecting its ethology as a temporary guest in a context foreign to it.
What is essentially recovered from the poetics of the German master is the invitation to enjoy art in a more instinctive way, to reflect on the fragility, the importance of life regardless of its form in a renewed reflection of the relationship between human being and nature. . (Margherita Merega)

The performance took place as part of the event dedicated to Fluxus, Sixty Years in Flux curated by Leo Lecci, Francesca Serrati and Caterina Gualco held in September at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Villa Croce, Palazzo Ducale and in various spaces of the city.

Online event
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