Narration and dramaturgy, painting and suggestion, to discover what has always been under our eyes.
Compagnia teatroBlu
8 October 2022
08:00 – 18:00

Narr.A.rte - the works of art in 2 minutes, is a project born in 2020 in the period of lockdown caused by Covid-19. The closure of the theaters has stimulated us to find new forms of theatrical communication, which could be suitable for digital channels and therefore for online use. We decided to combine our skills in the field of theater with our passion for art, thus creating the appointments of the Narr.A.rte project: two minutes for each episode, two minutes to tell the works of the greatest artists , a project in which narration and dramaturgy, painting and suggestion lead us to discover what has always been under our eyes.

Compagnia teatroBlu
Online event
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