Il tappeto delle intelligenze.
Il riciclo tra carta, arte e simbologie artificiali
Carlo Nannicola
7 October 2023
Sat: 15:30 – 18:30

Cartiere di Trevi s.p.a., thanks to an idea of President Cristiana Graziosi, hosts Il carpet delle intelligenze, a site specific installation specially conceived by Franco Fiorillo and Carlo Nannicola, curated by Maurizio Coccia and Mara Preachers. On the occasion of the company's 2023 Open Day, the three-dimensional reconstruction - on a 1:1 scale - of a typical habitable environment is presented, located in one of the Trevino company's warehouses and created using various types of paper materials produced on site. In a kaleidoscope of lights and images projected on the large reels used as scenography, the artists investigate two of the most recurring themes in our current times in different registers. Meanwhile, recycling. It is no coincidence that in this area, Cartiere di Trevi has long been one of the most virtuous examples at an international level. Then Artificial Intelligence. The environment recreated by the artists, in fact, is entirely decorated with symbols obtained through one of the most well-known software in the sector. The symbols arise from the insertion of contradictory and/or ambiguous parameters which, due to visual synthesis and iconographic familiarity, at first glance seem known and immediately recognisable.

This chain of reflections leads to the Palazzo Lucarini Contemporary Center for Contemporary Art, in the historic center of Trevi, where Fiorillo and Nannicola deepen their examination of the atavistic power of symbols, also introducing the theme of the sacred. This second part of the initiative, in fact, is articulated with works in recycled paper of various sizes, in the evocative space of the noble chapel of Palazzo Lucarini, enriched with further suggestions deriving from the wall decorations present in that space. The comparison between the religious symbolism of the popular Catholic tradition and that generated "arbitrarily" by the algorithm reveals, in an alienating short circuit, the persistence of some visual codes on which propaganda has always fed, be it popular devotion or the attempt to exploitation of public opinion implemented by the most advanced media.

Palazzo Lucarini Contemporary
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Via Placido Riccardi 11, 06039, Trevi, Perugia, Italy
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