RDV avec l'artiste Binta Diaw, image de la Giornata del Contemporaneo, 2023
CONTEMPORALIS meets artist Binta Diaw during her residency period in Paris at Art Explora - Cité internationale des arts.
Binta Diaw
7 October 2023
Sat: 18:00 – 20:00

CONTEMPORALIS meets the Italian-Senegalese artist Binta Diaw, whose work seeks to deconstruct the processes that have led to the instrumentalisation of bodies in history by undermining the integrity of Eurocentric history. In 2022, she was the first winner of the Franco-Italian Pujade-Lauraine prize. Binta Diaw's work stems from a long research "which has as its starting point the black female body in relation to the traces of colonialism present in today's society". And it is directly inspired by a popular saying in the Wolof language of Senegalese tradition: Nit nitay garabam [Human being is care of human being]. The word garab has a double meaning, plant and medicine/cure. "Through the poetic nature of this proverb translated into an image, the artist emphasises the inseparable bond that unites the human being to Nature and vice versa. And the need to take care of everything around us, as an integral part of ourselves and our lives'. During his residency period at Art Explora in Paris, Binta Diaw will be a guest of CONTEMPORALIS to talk about his work and his current artistic research.

CONTEMPORALIS Association Amis Art Contemporain France Italie
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40 bd des Invalides, 75007, Paris, France, France
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