LXVII B. Cascella Prize 2023
Artificial Intelligences
Leonardo Baserni, 2023
7 October 2023
Sat: 17:00 – 19:30
In the days following the vernissage, the exhibition can be visited by reservation

The exhibition of the finalists of the 'Basilio Cascella' Award returns, one of the most prestigious Art, Photography and Painting Awards in Italy since 1955, whose aim is to enhance contemporary art and create a creative and reference hub for it, to later export it to the international artistic network.

The theme of the LXVII edition 2023 is Artificial Intelligence, referring to the discipline that studies whether and how intelligent computer systems capable of simulating the capacity and behavior of human thought can be created.

The exhibition can be visited by reservation, will be held from 7/10 to 18/11 2023 and will be part of the 19th Contemporary Day promoted by AMACI.

Quality, research, innovation and contemporaneity were the fundamental selection criteria. 14 talented participants have been selected, including painters and photographers, whose works can already be viewed on the website

Each individual participating artist was asked to analyze the concept of infodemic and express it through painting or photography, bringing their own personal interpretation of the theme to the attention of the public.

Associazione Atlantide
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Via giudea 25, 66026, Ortona, Chieti, Italy
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