Contemporary Village “22
Art is elsewhere. Unusual spaces to welcome contemporary art, a widespread art event that the village of Castellaro Lagusello welcomes and proposes.
8 October 2022
10:00 – 19:00
contemporary art diffused in the presence of the artists involved

The bell tower of Castellaro Lagusello has been welcoming contemporary art within its walls since 2018, it is an evocative but complex space and unfortunately not inclusive due to its uncomfortable stairs. At the end of the exhibition season, the events linked to the day of the contemporary, allow to expand the spaces dedicated to art and its promotion and allow the artists involved to have a direct and genuine contact with the users of the Borgo who for a day become protagonists , together with the works and artists, of this widespread art event. The public spaces, the squares, the private courtyards and the shutters of the closed shops, the blind windows and the flower beds become dedicated exhibition spaces which, thanks to the intervention of emerging artists, are transformed into a story, a dialogue between contemporary art and visitors . The amazement, the surprise and the curiosity of the encounter with the unexpected and sometimes incomprehensible, is an important occasion that creates synergy and complicity between two visions and interpretations of reality and emotions. The day of the contemporary for Castellaro Lagusello and his awareness project towards the languages ​​of the contemporary "a Tower for Art" is all this.

una Torre per l’Arte
View on map
Via castello 1, castellaro lagusello, 46040, Monzambano , Mantova , Italy
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