The creative act brings with itself a good dose of randomness and it actives an intimate dialogue that recovers thoughts and memories. f [useful] is a necessity. The paper shapes or shapes imprinted on the loom speak about me. The research for the composition balance is a form of meditation, expression and freedom.
f [utile] is a path on which I have met myself and many people; a practice that I gift to those who are no longer there, to those who accompany me now and to those who recognize themselves in the practice of useful and useless exercises.
Susan Petri
Through the paper collage Susan Petri explored a marginal field of visual arts as a personal exploration tool. The compositional research starts generally from low-quality materials and the assembly of the forms offers a visual synthesis of articulated reflections. A look to the world and on her own experience with irony and joie de vivre. The title of the exhibition "f [utile]" and the subtitle "exercises of useful uselessness" express a central concept and it refers to the deeply rooted idea that these artistic practices are collateral experiences, and therefore useless, with respect to real needs.
To the collages follow a series of serigraphs that have given new leap to Susan Petri's creative process. The link between the works is evident, but the serigraphs offer a more defined product and the two-dimensionality is enhanced by the printing.
The exhibition will also be enriched by the participation of two creative realities who have declined some elements of Susan Petri's works suggesting original clothing items to TsiTsi Concept and an exclusive series of objects thanks to Rosanera ceramics.