ANDREA FRANCOLINO. But then Gaia, the Earth, came into being
Guided tour of Andrea Francolino's first solo show at the Mazzoleni gallery in Turin.
8 October 2022
10:00 – 19:15
10 am – 1 pm; 3.45 – 7.15 pm

Mazzoleni presents the exhibition ANDREA FRANCOLINO. But then Gaia, the Earth, came into being.

The exhibition will be free and open to all, with guided tours by the artist and the curatorial staff of the gallery. Andrea Francolino’s first solo show at Mazzoleni, Turin features a sequence of antinomies. On the one hand, the show offers a mapping of the artist’s journeys across different lands; on the other hand, it presents an attentive recording of the ground’s minimal traces. The everyday continuous duality emerges in the works on display: natural elements and research journeys become irregular shapes that reflect organic strains spreading across the surrounding space, with the potentially infinite pathways and cracked surfaces.


ANDREA FRANCOLINO. But then Gaia, the Earth, came into being

curated by Lorenzo Benedetti

Mazzoleni, Turin


Mazzoleni, London - Torino
View on map
Piazza solferino, 2, 10122, Torino, To, Italy
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